Study to Show Your Self Approved

Early America Revisited:
By Dr. Ivan Van Sertima
To claim, for example, that Columbus saw blacks in Haiti is one thing. To prove that those blacks were Africans was another, since there are dark-skinned American Indians in tropical zones of America. Botany, linguistics, metallurgy, navigation, oceanography,
archaeology, all these disciplines provided the corroboration that was needed to establish that single claim on a scientific basis.
ISBN: 0-7658-0469-8
Catalog # AR-20……………………$20.00

African Presence in Early Asia:
By Dr. Ivan Van Sertima
Blacks were the first in the development of Asia’s early civilizations. The hard factual evidence has borne this out in case after case. Although the story of the black presence in early Asia is obscure, its documentation is by no means new, & the works of
D. Houston, JA Progress, & most recently, John Jackson, can be singled out for broadening our awareness of the subject & providing a solid foundation from which we can move forward.
ISBN: 1-56256-900-7
Catalog # EA-20………………….$20.00

Black Athena Volume 1:
By Martin Bernal
The author started looking into ancient Jewish history, into the relationships between the Israelites & the surrounding people, particularly the Canaanites & Phoenicians. But it came as quite a shock to discover that Hebrew and Phoenician were mutually intelligible
Black Athena Volume 1:
By Martin Bernal
The author started looking into ancient Jewish history, into the relationships between the Israelites & the surrounding people, particularly the Canaanites & Phoenicians. But it came as quite a shock to discover that Hebrew and Phoenician were mutually intelligible and that serious linguists treated both as dialects of a single Canaanite language.
ISBN: 0-8135-1277-8
Catalog # BA1-22…………………..$22.00
and that serious linguists treated both as dialects of a single Canaanite language.
ISBN: 0-8135-1277-8
Catalog # BA1-22…………………..$22.00

Black Athena Volume 2:
By Martin Bernal
Bernal aims to revise correct understanding of Ancient Middle Eastern history by taking seriously the ancient Greeks’ legends that portrayed much in their civilization as organizing in Egypt.
ISBN: 0-8135-1584-X
Catalog # BA2-22…………………..$22.00

Black Folk Here and There Volume 1
By St. Clair Drake
A compelling odyssey of black people & color prejudice in a highly readable style. No other study I know tackles the nature, development & impact of color prejudice with such force, clarity & relevance for comtemporary times.
ISBN: 0-934934-21-5
Catalog # BF1-25……………………..$25.00

Black Folk Here and There Volume 2
By St. Clair Drake
This is a truly striking & remarkably original use of both anthropology & history toward an understanding of the odyssey of African peoples over millennia. What Professor Drake has accomplished is to show political, economic & social forces & individual
Black Folk Here and There Volume 2
By St. Clair Drake
This is a truly striking & remarkably original use of both anthropology & history toward an understanding of the odyssey of African peoples over millennia. What Professor Drake has accomplished is to show political, economic & social forces & individual psychological yearnings & fears, built, transformed & reinterpreted the symbolism used in describing person, cultures & accomplishments of people of African descent.
ISBN: 0-934934-30-4
Catalog # BF2-25……………………..$25.00
psychological yearnings & fears, built, transformed & reinterpreted the symbolism used in describing person, cultures & accomplishments of people of African descent.
ISBN: 0-934934-30-4
Catalog # BF2-25……………………..$25.00

Great Black Leaders: Ancients & Modern
By Dr. Ivan Van Sertima
4,000 years of history, one thing stands out above all else in our survey of these remarkable men & women. That the struggle for a changing world occupies both a tragic & hopeful dimension. That again & again the light of the human spirit shines brightest against the
Great Black Leaders: Ancients & Modern
By Dr. Ivan Van Sertima
4,000 years of history, one thing stands out above all else in our survey of these remarkable men & women. That the struggle for a changing world occupies both a tragic & hopeful dimension. That again & again the light of the human spirit shines brightest against the shadow of almost invincible odds & that disaster seems to stalk anyone who challenges thing as they are in the hope of transforming them into things as they should be.
ISBN: 0-934934-30-4
Catalog # BL-20……………………..$20.00
shadow of almost invincible odds & that disaster seems to stalk anyone who challenges thing as they are in the hope of transforming them into things as they should be.
ISBN: 0-934934-30-4
Catalog # BL-20……………………..$20.00

African Presence in Early America
By Dr. Ivan Van Sertima
This book has many more sculptures have emerged from the earth or from the backrooms of private collections. New stone heads have surfaced in recent excavations while a very old one with a seven – braided Ethiopian hairstyle has come out of a century
African Presence in Early America
By Dr. Ivan Van Sertima
This book has many more sculptures have emerged from the earth or from the backrooms of private collections. New stone heads have surfaced in recent excavations while a very old one with a seven – braided Ethiopian hairstyle has come out of a century of obscurity into sudden prominence.
ISBN: 0-88738-715-2
Catalog # EA-15……………………..$15.00
of obscurity into sudden prominence.
ISBN: 0-88738-715-2
Catalog # EA-15……………………..$15.00

Egypt, Child of Africa
By Dr. Ivan Van Sertima
This book deals with whether the ancient Egyptians were predominantly African or Africoid in a physical sense during the major native dynasties. Even more important-their language, their writing, vision of god & the universe, their concept of the divine kingship, their ritual ceremonies & practices,
their administrative & architectural symbols & structures, their techno-complex, were quintessentially African
ISBN: 1-56000-792-3
Catalog # EC-20……………………..$20.00

Golden Age of the Moor
Edited by Dr. Ivan Van Sertima
The drought that devastated Spain, in 1070 BC was described in some detail. It is Al-Makkary also who informs us of how Africans banished from North Africa by an African king against whom they revolted, entered Spain & took control of that country.
ISBN: 0-88738-715-2
Catalog # GM-20……………………..$20.00

Black Women in Antiquity
Edited by Dr. Ivan Van Sertima
This unique volume provides an overview of the black queens, madonnas & goddesses who dominated the history & imagination of ancient times. The authors have concentrated on Ethiopia & Egypt because the documents of the Nile Valley are voluminous
Black Women in Antiquity
Edited by Dr. Ivan Van Sertima
This unique volume provides an overview of the black queens, madonnas & goddesses who dominated the history & imagination of ancient times. The authors have concentrated on Ethiopia & Egypt because the documents of the Nile Valley are voluminous compared to the sketchier records in other parts of Africa.
ISBN: 1-87855-982-5
Catalog # WA-20……………………..$20.00
compared to the sketchier records in other parts of Africa.
ISBN: 1-87855-982-5
Catalog # WA-20……………………..$20.00

Great African Thinkers
By Cheikh Anta Diop
This book is a history and study of the African Dr. Cheikh Anta Diop’s work and life. His dissertation on ancient Egypt history is summarized as: Egypt was the node and center of a vast web linking the strands of Africa’s main cultures and languages; that the light
Great African Thinkers
By Cheikh Anta Diop
This book is a history and study of the African Dr. Cheikh Anta Diop’s work and life. His dissertation on ancient Egypt history is summarized as: Egypt was the node and center of a vast web linking the strands of Africa’s main cultures and languages; that the light that crystallized at the center of this early world had been energized by cultural electricity streaming from the heartland of Africa.
ISBN: 0-88738-680-6
Catalog # AT-22……………………..$22.00
that crystallized at the center of this early world had been energized by cultural electricity streaming from the heartland of Africa.
ISBN: 0-88738-680-6
Catalog # AT-22……………………..$22.00

Why Not ME?
By: Gladys Milton
This is the personal story of a courageous & compassionate woman & an account of her life’s effort to provide women with affordable health care. After 33 years of service, the State wanted to revoke her
Why Not ME?
By: Gladys Milton
This is the personal story of a courageous & compassionate woman & an account of her life’s effort to provide women with affordable health care. After 33 years of service, the State wanted to revoke her midwife license.
ISBN # 0913990-87-6
Catalog #WN-10……..$10.00
midwife license.
ISBN # 0913990-87-6
Catalog #WN-10……..$10.00

They Stole It, But You Must Return It:
By Richard Williams Ed.D.
This is an excellent manual for the Black community. It looks at black slavery in America, and how this experience has affected the family & health of Black Americans today. It offers suggestions regarding how the Black family can become stronger & its members
Catalog # SI-12…………..$12.00

Roots Race & Religion
Volumes 1, 2 & 3: ($21.00 per set)
This three volume set shows the many meaningful contributions blacks have made to society in all avenues of human achievements. The reader will share the trials & triumphs of our foreparents as they took the difficult trail from the plantation in search of
Roots Race & Religion
Volumes 1, 2 & 3: ($21.00 per set)
This three volume set shows the many meaningful contributions blacks have made to society in all avenues of human achievements. The reader will share the trials & triumphs of our foreparents as they took the difficult trail from the plantation in search of the future Paradise.
Catalog # RR-21……………$21.00
the future Paradise.
Catalog # RR-21……………$21.00

The Valley of the Dry Bones (The conditions that face Black people in America)
By Rudolph Windsor
This book is a fascinating compilation of history, anthropology, sociology and theology. In clear, limpid prose, Windsor tells the history of the black people, from biblical times until today. Drawing intensively
The Valley of the Dry Bones (The conditions that face Black people in America)
By Rudolph Windsor
This book is a fascinating compilation of history, anthropology, sociology and theology. In clear, limpid prose, Windsor tells the history of the black people, from biblical times until today. Drawing intensively upon the Bible and many works by eminent scholars in various disciplines, the author has created a work that is at once inspiring and intriguing.
Catalog # DB-11…………………………$11.00
upon the Bible and many works by eminent scholars in various disciplines, the author has created a work that is at once inspiring and intriguing.
Catalog # DB-11…………………………$11.00

From Babylon to Timbuktu
By Rudolph Windsor
A history of the ancient black race including the black Hebrews. Until comparatively recent times, knowledge that black Africa was the seat of highly evolved civilizations and cultures during a time when Europe stagnated was limited to a small group of
From Babylon to Timbuktu
By Rudolph Windsor
A history of the ancient black race including the black Hebrews. Until comparatively recent times, knowledge that black Africa was the seat of highly evolved civilizations and cultures during a time when Europe stagnated was limited to a small group of scholars. That great empires such as Ghana and late, Mail flouriched for centuries while Europe slept through its Dark Ages almost has been ignored by historians.
Cat. # BT-12…………………………$12.00
scholars. That great empires such as Ghana and late, Mail flouriched for centuries while Europe slept through its Dark Ages almost has been ignored by historians.
Cat. # BT-12…………………………$12.00

When is the Next War?
By Rudolph Windsor
Just at a point when the world seems to be at the threshold of great technological advancements for mankind, our planet appears to be at the brink of total destruction. As the 21 Century approaches, our earth’s continents seem to be doomed to the fate of
When is the Next War?
By Rudolph Windsor
Just at a point when the world seems to be at the threshold of great technological advancements for mankind, our planet appears to be at the brink of total destruction. As the 21 Century approaches, our earth’s continents seem to be doomed to the fate of the lost continent of Atlantis of ten thousand years ago, than to any hope of global peace and abundance. This can happen, unless people of valor and prudence of every race on earth, work for the elimination of weapons of mass destruction and at the same time practice a greater morality.
Catalog # NW-17……………………$17.00
the lost continent of Atlantis of ten thousand years ago, than to any hope of global peace and abundance. This can happen, unless people of valor and prudence of every race on earth, work for the elimination of weapons of mass destruction and at the same time practice a greater morality.
Catalog # NW-17……………………$17.00
Click on books below for Table of Content and Introduction
People of Color In The Bible (Volume 1) Establishing A Foundation:
Paperback Perfect bound ($40.00) & E-Book form ($20.00)
Through the use of maps, charts, scripture quotations, genealogies, geography and historical documentation, Dr. Emanuel identifies numerous People of Color In The Bible. Additionally, he cites their contributions to biblical history. People Of Color In The Bible is unique due to its extensive use of graphics. This book is framed in easy-to-read language and it contains over 250 scripture quotations. This volume contains ten or more quiz questions for each of its seven chapters. These questions are suitable for class work, homework and/or examination purposes, thus rendering this work an excellent TEXTBOOK for home schools, church schools, Sabbath school and Sunday schools. It’s also a superb resource for in-depth personal Bible study. Colleges and academies use this work as a supplemental textbook for World History, World Literature, African-American History courses and for Old and New Testament classes too!
Matching YouTube Videos Series

Click on books for statement of Purpose and for Sample pages in the coloring booking.
People of Color In The Bible Work Book/Coloring Book Collection: By William Emanuel, D.D., D. Eng. and Renee Emanuel
The Creation Story Set: (3 book set @ $15.00 per set)
This collection masterfully reveals that the Holy Bible is more than a book of religious instruction — and so much more.
In this series we develop a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics) curriculum which also includes, geography, history, astronomy, zoology, chemistry and health are cleverly explored. Over 100 scripture references are included. Discover not only what God (El-o-him) created, but His possible reasons for doing so. Learn planetary names and bird identification clues. Learn why it’s important to drink water, why we need sunlight and a host of other things. Each volume is complete with supplemental quiz questions. These questions are suitable for class work, homework and/or examination purposes, thus rendering this work an excellent TEXTBOOK for home schools, church schools, vacation bible schools, Sabbath schools and Sunday schools. Intended for children in the elementary and middle school grade levels.
Matching YouTube Videos Series

The Original African Heritage Study Bible:
King James Version ($60.00)
This Bible interprets biblical history as it relates specifically to persons of African descent thereby fostering an appreciation of multi-culturalism which is inherent in the Bible. “People of color” are visually depicted throughout its pages.

The African Origin of Civilization:
By Dr. Cheikh Anta Diop
The history of Black Africa will remain suspended in the air and cannot be written correctly until African historians dare to connect it with the history of Egypt.
ISBN: 0-88208-022-9
Catalog # AO-17……………………$17.00

Classical Africa: ($27.00)
By: Dr. Molefi Kete Asante
Long before the Greeks and Romans ,six classical civilization existed in Africa: Kemet, Nubia, Axum Ghana, Mali and Songhay. Drawing on oral as well as written histories, this important text describes the
many diverse cultures, languages, and societies of an Africa never before explored.
ISBN: 1-56256-900-7
Catalog # CA–27

They came Before Columbus (The African presence in Ancient America)
By Ivan Van Sertima
Christopher Columbus is a dinner, intriguing with Don Juan, the King of Portugal, who 1st tells him of a secret trade route that Africans have been traveling to the New World. The news is easily confirmed by
They came Before Columbus (The African presence in Ancient America)
By Ivan Van Sertima
Christopher Columbus is a dinner, intriguing with Don Juan, the King of Portugal, who 1st tells him of a secret trade route that Africans have been traveling to the New World. The news is easily confirmed by Columbus – because on his 2nd voyage to the Americas the natives described repeatedly to him the black men who traded with them and whose spears were tipped with gold.
ISBN: 0-394-40245-6
Catalog # BC-26………………………..$26.00
Columbus – because on his 2nd voyage to the Americas the natives described repeatedly to him the black men who traded with them and whose spears were tipped with gold.
ISBN: 0-394-40245-6
Catalog # BC-26………………………..$26.00

Countering the conspiracy to destroy Black Boys Volume 1
By Jawanza Kunjufu
This book clearly shows that African-American parents, teachers, administrators, business people – in fact, all members of the community – are part of the conspiracy and as such, have a role and
Countering the conspiracy to destroy Black Boys Volume 1
By Jawanza Kunjufu
This book clearly shows that African-American parents, teachers, administrators, business people – in fact, all members of the community – are part of the conspiracy and as such, have a role and responsibility in countering the conditions that are destroying our youth and future.
ISBN: 0-913543-00-4
Catalog # DB1-05……………………..$5.00
responsibility in countering the conditions that are destroying our youth and future.
ISBN: 0-913543-00-4
Catalog # DB1-05……………………..$5.00

Countering the conspiracy to destroy Black Boys Volume 2
By Jawanza Kunjufu
This book clearly shows that African-American parents, teachers, administrators, business people – in fact, all members of the community – are part of the conspiracy and as such, have a role and
Countering the conspiracy to destroy Black Boys Volume 2
By Jawanza Kunjufu
This book clearly shows that African-American parents, teachers, administrators, business people – in fact, all members of the community – are part of the conspiracy and as such, have a role and responsibility in countering the conditions that are destroying our youth and future.
ISBN: 0-913543-03-9
Catalog # DB2-05……………………..$5.00
responsibility in countering the conditions that are destroying our youth and future.
ISBN: 0-913543-03-9
Catalog # DB2-05……………………..$5.00

Countering the conspiracy to destroy Black Boys Volume 3
By Jawanza Kunjufu
This book clearly shows that African-American parents, teachers, administrators, business people – in fact, all members of the community – are part of the conspiracy and as such, have a role and
Countering the conspiracy to destroy Black Boys Volume 3
By Jawanza Kunjufu
This book clearly shows that African-American parents, teachers, administrators, business people – in fact, all members of the community – are part of the conspiracy and as such, have a role and responsibility in countering the conditions that are destroying our youth and future.
ISBN: 0-913543-20-9
Catalog # DB3-07……………………..$7.00
responsibility in countering the conditions that are destroying our youth and future.
ISBN: 0-913543-20-9
Catalog # DB3-07……………………..$7.00

The Destruction of Black Civilization
By Chancellor Williams
This book should be the basis for all the so-called Black Studies programs. This is the basis text, necessary for African mental development in the last part of the 20th century.
ISBN: 0-913543-20-9
Catalog # DBC-11……………………..$11.00

The Mis-Education of the Negro
By Carter G. Woodson
History shows that it does not matter who is in power… those who have not learned to do for themselves and have to depend solely on others never obtain any more rights or privileges in the end than they had in the beginning.
ISBN: 0-86543-171-X
Catalog # MED-10……………………..$10.00

Precolonial Black Africa
By Cheikh Anta Diop
In this book, Diop compares the political and social systems of Europe and black Africa from antiquity to the formation of modern states. Those who read this book seriously are in for a shock and a rewarding experience in learning. This is a major work by a major
Precolonial Black Africa
By Cheikh Anta Diop
In this book, Diop compares the political and social systems of Europe and black Africa from antiquity to the formation of modern states. Those who read this book seriously are in for a shock and a rewarding experience in learning. This is a major work by a major Black Historian.
ISBN: 1-55652-088-3
Catalog # PBA-10……………………..$10.00
Black Historian.
ISBN: 1-55652-088-3
Catalog # PBA-10……………………..$10.00

A Book Of Beginnings Volume I
By Gerald Massey
This work has become essential for readers seeking a balanced understanding of human origins, religious thought and belief with the role of Africa in world history. Massey, born in England (1828 – 1907) was a radical Egyptologist who maintained that Africa was the source for the greatest civilizations in the world.
In Volume I, Massey focuses on Egyptian origins in the British Isles and extend far beyond. He unveiled systematically through comparative linguistics, symbolism and mythology.
Catalog # BB1-25……………………..$25.00

Ancient Egypt The Light Of The World Volume II
By Gerald Massey
Part of Massey genius was the ability to look truth in the face and not flinch. He did in the cultural domain what modern paleontologists have done in the anthropological: pinpoint Africa as the crucible of humanity’s story.
In Volume 2, he examines the celestial phenomenon known as the Precession of the Equinoxes. He believed only by understanding this phenomenon was it possible to fathom the Nile Valley history. He provides extensive detail on the interconnection of the two. The last half of this volume is devoted to the Kamite sources of Christianity. He shows how the New Testament evolved directly out of the Osirian mysteries.
ISBN: 0-933121-31-8
Catalog # AE2-25……………………..$25.00