William Emanuel D Eng. & D.D.
Director of The People of Color Training Center
The People Of Color Training & Research Institute (POCTRI), is committed to educating all people & to restoring hope in the African-American community.

Dr. William Emanuel is the Director of the People Of Color Training and Research Institute (POCTRI) for the education of all people. He received his Doctorate of Engineering (D Eng.) from Morgan State University in 2015 in Sustainability. His doctorate dissertation was titled ” A Decision Support System Assessment Model for Turf Playing Condition Infrastructure as an Early Indicator of Compliance with Performance Quality Standards.” He was born in Brooklyn, New York. He started his spiritual walk in 1976 and began teaching Friday night Bible Studies at Howard University (HU) in 1978 while working toward his bachelor’s degree.
Dr. Emanuel entered the Master’s of Engineering Program at Howard University and worked as an intern at Goddard Space Flight Center/NASA. He received his Master of Science (MS) degree in 1986. His masters thesis was titled ” Transient Stability, using Difference Equations.” He earned his Bachelor of Science (BS) degree in Electrical Engineering at Howard University in 1980

After Dr. Emanuel graduated with his MS, he began a professional career with the Pennsylvania, New Jersey & Maryland (PJM) Interconnection Office, which controls power and Black Outs for Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Washington, D.C. & Maryland. He was the second African-American electrical engineer to be hired by PJM

After six years with PJM he was selected by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and Howard University to represent the United States in Lagos, Nigeria at a symposium titled “The First United States and African-Sub-Sahara Conference on Power Systems: Voltage Collapse & Voltage Regulation.” While attending the symposium Emanuel presented a paper titled “PJM Voltage / Reactive Analysis Methodology” which was well received. Emanuel was a member of Morgan State University Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) Industrial Advisory Board.

Two years later, he received an Honorary Doctor of Divinity (D.D.) degree from the Gospel Ministry Outreach (GMOR) Theological Institute in Houston, Texas. He was honored with the DD for his innovative view for the role of non-whites in the Bible. He authored the book “People of Color in the Bible Volume I: Preliminaries: Establishing a Foundation.” The book was accepted as his Dissertation for the GMOR Doctorial Program.
A year later, he co-authored a Series of three Beginner and Children Books focused on The 9 Pathways (Principles or Laws) To Health & People of Color in the Bible. The three (3) book series is entitled: “People of Color in the Bible: Old Testament Collection.” From 2002 – 2204, he served as an Associate Supervising Pastor of the International Seminary Extension in Frederick MD, where he taught seminary students. He was very instrumental in helping his students graduate with an Associate Degrees in the Ministry and/or Theology.
A year later, he co-authored a Series of three Beginner and Children Books focused on The 9 Pathways (Principles or Laws) To Health & People of Color in the Bible. The three (3) book series is entitled: “People of Color in the Bible: Old Testament Collection.” From 2002 – 2204, he served as an Associate Supervising Pastor of the International Seminary Extension in Frederick MD, where he taught seminary students. He was very instrumental in helping his students graduate with an Associate Degrees in the Ministry and/or Theology.

POCTRI is responsible for coordinating outreach programs and creating educational material for all communities with a wholistic multi-cultural approach. The approach deals with the whole individual: mind, body and soul/spirit. This educational program aids youth and adults in acquiring a deeper understanding of health, life and themselves incorporating the physical, mental, and spiritual realms of reality. A number of colleges and private schools use these resources including accompanying videos that have been aired on some public access cable stations. .
Five Outreach Programs Are Offered by POCTRI
- Manhood Training Retreats
- Mathematics Tutoring
- 10 Day Oxygen Therapy Cleansing Program
- Black History Month Programs
- Non-Smoking Youth Summer Camp

Is Transition to Manhood Important?
The Manhood Training Retreat was established in 2001 by a group of professional men and Dr. Emanuel to help give direction and purpose to the lives of young males before they graduate from high school and college.
We have found that the African Tradition of Manhood Training is essential to males here in the Unites States as well. Males need this program to develop skills for interacting with other males as well as females and to hear diverse opinions and options from others who may or may not have similar life circumstances. This is especially important to males, who do not grow up with a Dad in their life to give them direction and purpose. Males from Maryland, Virginia, Washington, DC and New York City have participated in the Manhood Training Retreats.
We have found that the African Tradition of Manhood Training is essential to males here in the Unites States as well. Males need this program to develop skills for interacting with other males as well as females and to hear diverse opinions and options from others who may or may not have similar life circumstances. This is especially important to males, who do not grow up with a Dad in their life to give them direction and purpose. Males from Maryland, Virginia, Washington, DC and New York City have participated in the Manhood Training Retreats.

Speakers from Hagerstown Community College (HCC), Howard University and Morgan State University (MSU) speak and encourage males to attend college and prepare for life as leaders in the community. They have an opportunity to network with other young men who currently attend college, ask questions about college life, and learn about scholarships, financial aid and other means of supporting the financial aspects of college . The experiences gained from this retreat will affect these young men for the remainder of their lives.
Speakers from Hagerstown Community College (HCC), Howard University and Morgan State University (MSU) speak and encourage males to attend college and prepare for life as leaders in the community. They have an opportunity to network with other young men who currently attend college,
ask questions about college life, and learn about scholarships, financial aid and other means of supporting the financial aspects of college . The experiences gained from this retreat will affect these young men for the remainder of their lives.

Math and Science Are Important Subjects
For Our Communities
Dr. Emanuel offers Mathematics Tutoring to students from middle school to through the university level, because the USA is in need of Engineers and Scientists. There has been a rapid decline of Engineers and Scientists over the years. During the time of the year 2000 (Y2K), the USA imported many Asians and East Indians to fill engineering and science key professional positions because we did not have enough graduates in the fields of Mathematics, Engineering and Computer Science who qualified for these critical jobs . In our country, young people must have a strong math
Math and Science Are Important Subjects
For Our Communities
Dr. Emanuel offers Mathematics Tutoring to students from middle school to through the university level, because the USA is in need of Engineers and Scientists.
There has been a rapid decline of Engineers and Scientists over the years. During the time of the year 2000 (Y2K), the USA imported many Asians and East Indians to fill engineering and science key professional positions because we did not have enough graduates in the fields of Mathematics, Engineering and Computer Science who qualified for these critical jobs . In our country, young people must have a strong math
background to fill the professional positions of Mathematics, Science, Engineering and Computer Science creating exciting and excellent career opportunities. Dr. Emanuel uses the tutoring session to fill the gaps that are missing in the students’ education. POCTRI has successfully helped students improve their overall academic performance from failing grades to “A(s) and B(s),” depending on their level of motivation.

Health is of Vital Importance to All of Us
In 1976, Dr. Emanuel became a vegetarian. A year later at HU, he was taught the 21 day Oxygen Cleansing Program which was sponsored by Artis E. Hinson, author of the book “From Dogma to Light.” Today POCTRI sponsors three (3) Ten Day Oxygen Therapy Cleansing Programs per year. Those who go through the program are blessed and learn about healthy life styles: The 9 Pathways to Health (Principles or Laws), proper eating habits, dieting and exercise, which help them better, manage problems with Acid Reflux, obesity and other physical ailments. Unlike the traditional medical system, Dr. Emanuel helps participants develop a wellness focus and thus launch them on a new and healthy
Health is of Vital Importance to All of Us
In 1976, Dr. Emanuel became a vegetarian. A year later at HU, he was taught the 21 day Oxygen Cleansing Program which was sponsored by Artis E. Hinson, author of the book “From Dogma to Light.” Today POCTRI sponsors three (3)
Ten Day Oxygen Therapy Cleansing Programs per year. Those who go through the program are blessed and learn about healthy life styles: The 9 Pathways to Health (Principles or Laws), proper eating habits, dieting and exercise, which help them better, manage problems with Acid Reflux, obesity and other physical ailments. Unlike the traditional medical system, Dr. Emanuel helps participants develop a wellness focus and thus launch them on a new and healthy lifestyle. During the Oxygen Therapy Cleansing Program, each participant is able to lose weight , develop the ability to think more clearly and develop a higher range of energy than before the Oxygen Therapy Cleansing Program. Visit our web site (www.peopleofcolor1.com) to hear testimonies from some of the people who completed the Ten (10) Day Oxygen Therapy Cleansing Program. Dr. Emanuel teaches them the importance of Knowledge, Nutrition, Exercise, Water, Sunlight, Temperance, Air, Rest, Trust in Divine Power (KNEW START) and how these 9 laws can improve the quality of life for a person who is sick and over weight.
lifestyle. During the Oxygen Therapy Cleansing Program, each participant is able to lose weight , develop the ability to think more clearly and develop a higher range of energy than before the Oxygen Therapy Cleansing Program. Visit our web site (www.peopleofcolor1.com) to hear testimonies from some of the people who completed the Ten (10) Day Oxygen Therapy Cleansing Program. Dr. Emanuel teaches them the importance of Knowledge, Nutrition, Exercise, Water, Sunlight, Temperance, Air, Rest, Trust in Divine Power (KNEW START) and how these 9 laws can improve the quality of life for a person who is sick and over weight.
Black History Month is an Important Event for the Black Community

In 2005 as an adjunct professor at Hagerstown Community College (HCC), Dr. Emanuel coordinated with the HCC Diversity Committee to develop a Black History Month Program. The committee in conjunction with the college worked with the Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA) Black Achievers to promote higher education in their community. Many departments throughout the community college worked with the YMCA Black Achievers to address junior high, high school and college age young people from the community about what HCC and other colleges have to offer them and their families. Keynote Speaker, Bishop Lovell Wilson spoke on ‘Keeping the Family together.” The program was comprehensive including a keynote speaker, workshops and dinner.

Dr. Emanuel is sought after to speak at Black History Month Programs; throughout the community. The POCTRI sponsors Black History Month Programs with local colleges, universities and community organizations. Our Programs are coordinated with other professionals that advise and encourage junior high, high school and college age young people about courses and higher educational programs available to them while they are still in high school and college that prepare them for life.

Also, in 2005, POCTRI coordinated a second Black History Month program with three components at the Martin Luther King Center in Hagerstown, Maryland which included concurrent workshops, group discussions and the keynote speaker. The keynote speaker, RN, Linda Black addressed ‘ Cardiovascular Disease and Its Effect in our Communities.”

Smoking is a Problem in Our Communities
The tobacco and alcohol industry has historically targeted the African-American community, youth and adults, to use their products. Dr. Emanuel teaches at the Non-Smoking Youth Summer Camp sponsored by Brothers United Who Dare to Care and has touched the lives of over 200 primary and middle school age young people, from 2004 – 2007. He used visual displays and posters to illustrate the effects of first-hand and second-hand smoke on the: 1) lungs, 2) throat, 3) hands, 4) teeth and 5) brain. He has a quiz before and after the presentation to measure the learning acquired by the participants over the course of the camp session.
Smoking is a Problem in Our Communities
The tobacco and alcohol industry has historically targeted the African-American community, youth and adults, to use their products. Dr. Emanuel teaches at the Non-Smoking Youth
Summer Camp sponsored by Brothers United Who Dare to Care and has touched the lives of over 200 primary and middle school age young people, from 2004 – 2007. He used visual displays and posters to illustrate the effects of first-hand and second-hand smoke on the: 1) lungs, 2) throat, 3) hands, 4) teeth and 5) brain. He has a quiz before and after the presentation to measure the learning acquired by the participants over the course of the camp session.
POCTRI is Known for Our Books, Charts and TV Programs

POCTRI has engineered materials to be used in concert with the educational curriculum in schools and churches from primary grade levels to the university. These materials are unique in content and give a perspective to the study of the Bible from a multi-cultural viewpoint; POCTRI’s perspective of analyzing and understanding the Bible is a more accurate and truthful way of studying the Bible which gives all of us a resource to use throughout the world.

Our materials are based on geography and historical people vs. the non-historical and in accurate teachings created by the traditional euro-centric viewpoint presented in our educational institutions and churches. Volume II of the adult series entitled: “Repairing the Breach of the Past: Restoring and Raising up the Foundations of Many Generations,” is currently in publication.

We need the help of all who visit our website and attend our programs to help publicize our work and efforts. POCTRI is completely a self- supported ministry, by the programs, books and educational materials we have developed. These outlets are our only source of revenue which we pour back into PROCTRI to further our work. We operate without a paid staff and have not sought funding from other sources. Should you wish to be part of our efforts and desire to help fund and/or support the work, please visit our web site. Your assistance is greatly appreciated to help this movement move forward, first in our communities and then throughout many parts of the earth.
We need the help of all who visit our website and attend our programs to help publicize our work and efforts. POCTRI is completely a self- supported ministry, by the programs, books and educational materials we have developed. These outlets are our only source of revenue which we pour back into PROCTRI to further our work.
We operate without a paid staff and have not sought funding from other sources. Should you wish to be part of our efforts and desire to help fund and/or support the work, please visit our web site. Your assistance is greatly appreciated to help this movement move forward, first in our communities and then throughout many parts of the earth.
Beginners & Children Series Three (3) Book Series:
People Of Color In The Bible: Old Testament Collection

The Beginner Series has five (5) Videos focused on the 9 Pathways (Principles or Laws) to Health and the following topics:
- Health, Science and the Bible
- Mother Africa
- Africa and the Bible
- The Garden of Eden
- Adam and Eve
Book: People of Color In The Bible
Volume I:
Establishing a Foundation

Adult Series are four (4) YouTube video Programs available focused on People of Color in the Bible. They may be used in conjunction with the book.
Last Days Events and the New World Order Series
Adult Series: The People of Color Training and Research Center (POCTRC) has researched The Creation Story, Daniel, Revelation, the Gospels, The Major and Minor Prophets as well as the Sanctuary Services. And offers an amazingly simplistic and methodical presentation of these most complex topics. Making it possible for the average person to understand. This series is a result of over 45 years of in-depth research with particular emphasis given to current social and political events. Have you been able to correlate these events with those presented in scripture?
The YHWH (God) of Heaven orchestrates the fulfillment of prophecy in accordance with the Feast Days. In this series, The POCTRC investigates YHWH’s (God’s) timetable by making extensive correlation with YHWH’s (God’s) calendar. POCTRC directs you to the pages of scripture and reveals what YHWH (God) has to say about the times in which we live. Most importantly, POCTRC shares YHWH’s (God’s) plan to save the human race.
Charts Describing People and Events
- Prophets and Kings of the Bible Chart
- The Gospels vs. the 7 Seals, the 7 Trumpets and the 7 Vials of Revelation
- Daniel 12 vs. the 7 Seals, the 7 Trumpets and the 7 Vials of Revelation
- The Sanctuary vs. the 7 Seals, the 7 Trumpets.
To view the charts visit our web page www.peopleofcolor1.com
and then click on charts.
A comprehensive List of available Workshops, Audio On-Lines Classes and Videos for your viewing.
- ” Historically Accurate Education vs Mis-Education and its effects on Our Culture and Society”
- “Healthful Living in Today’s Society”
- “Motivational Talk for College Students”
- ” How to manage Math Anxiety”
- ” Introducing People Of Color In The Bible”
- “The Mis-Education in the African-American Community”
- “A Motivational Talk for Black Males “
- ” A Lecture on Health, Science & The Bible”
- ” The Last Days Events In Light of Current Events “
- “Motivational Talk for The Youth”
- “An Africanic Wholistic Education of Health, History, Religion and more”
- “An African Holistic Approach to Health For Primary & Elementary Grades”
- People Of Color in The Bible for Primary & Elementary Grades
Dr. Emanuel has lectured at the following Education Institutions and Organizations
- Howard University’s Biblical Institute For Social Change
(BISC) Symposium, Washington, DC - Towson State University, Towson, Maryland
- Maryland State University at College Park,
College Park, MD - Association for Black Culture Centers (ABCC)
- LeMoyne-Owen College, Memphis, TN
- Penn. Black Conference on Higher Education
- Tenn. State University 4th Annual Africana Studies
Conference, Nashville, TN - African Heritage Studies Association (AHSA) Conference
- Oakwood College Alumni for Black Educators,
Huntsville, AL - Rust College’s National African-American Student
Leadership Conference, Holly Springs, MS - The National Council on Educating Black Children:
Mid-Western Region - The National Sankofa Council on Educating African
American Children - 3rd Annual Conference for Independent Schools
- Black Caucus of the American Library Association
- The International State of the Race Conference
- AME East Tenn. Sunday School Convocation
- AME Lay Organizational Convocation
- International Black Lutheran Family Ministry Convocation
- Shady Grove’s Annual United Methodist Camp Meeting,
Saint George, SC - Southern Union Ministerium Conference
- Southeastern SDA Teachers’ Convention
- The South Central Conference Annual Camp Meeting
- The Pine Forge Academy, Pine Forge, PA
For more information about availability and schedule, contact:
The People of Color Training And Research Institute
The People of Color Training Center
1318 N. Main St Unit #1537 Summerville, SC 29483
Excerpts from Letters of Recommendations:
“Doctor Emanuel has produced an illuminating and dynamic resource with ‘ People of Color in the Bible.’ This book along with the accompanying teaching video provides a powerful resource for understanding the contribution made by People of Color throughout the development of man. This book should be read by Pastors and laymen.” -Bishop Lovell Wilson, Former Executive Pastor Maranatha Community Church of God-
William Emanuel “has spent several years in his vocational first love, viz. exploring Bible traditions as having direct bearing upon the distinct past condition of and future hope for persons of African descent. William Emanuel’s book is particularly helpful in its focus on Bible passages, use of charts and presentation of supportive color graphics.” – Dr. Cain Hope Felder Ph.D., Howard University School of Divinity –
“In no uncertain terms, I believe this book should be ‘REQUIRED READING’ for both young and old of today, regardless of race.. This book provides the answer and solution to Black America’s problem, i.e. identity.” – Dr. Dwight Eric Haynes Ph.D. in Systematic Theology and Biblical Languages, Former Adjunct Professor at Oakwood College –
“I have been trying to spark the students’ interest in just such areas and you have gone a long way in helping me with this.” – Mr. Todd Mcfadden, Former Director of the African-American Cultural Center at Towson State University –
“Thanks so much for your presentation on People Of Color In The Bible… Our campus became imbued with a new thirst for knowledge of African people’s connection to the Bible.” – Dr. R. Meade Walker Ph.D., LeMoyne – Owen College –
“It has proven to be an excellent resource for those who are interested in learning more about the Bible and African heritage. Emanuel attempts to fill the void that has for too long existed in biblical and historical studies. People Of Color In The Bible is a work that informs and challenges. I enthusiastically endorse and recommend this work.” – Dr. Kenneth Hill, Ph.D., Former Executive Secretary of the AME Christian Education Dept. –
“Dr. William Emanuel has produced an outstanding book… Excellent research and documentation of Biblical data are sure to inform and inspire the reader. He has also produced a professional video tape which is a good teaching aid for churches, preachers and lay leaders.” – Kenneth Dupree, Former Director of Pub., National Baptist Publishing Board –
“I have found a valuable resource in William Emanuel. He has generated two outstanding resources: People Of Color In The Bible and a video presentation. These resources will capture your imagination and in awe, you will discover information that you perhaps did not know.” – Clyde Anderson, Former Area Executive Secretary of East Africa Office, World Division of The United Methodist Church –
“People Of Color In The Bible is one of the most informative pieces of literature I’ve had the pleasure of reading. I feel that the facts in this book should be taught in every church in America; Biblical truth is the only solution to healing the attitude of racial hatred that have infiltrated Christianity.” – Pastor Emanuel J. Oliver, Assistant Pastor of the Assembly Of God and Former Director of the Teen Challenge Training Center –
“Both, were superbly researched and documented theologically and historically. It is the most in-depth scholarly research… that I have seen.” -Dr. John H. Elliott, Pastor of the Shady Grove United Methodist Church-