Women History

Click on books below for Table of Content and Introduction
Making Peace in Your Marriage: ($15.00)
Distorted thinking and faulty beliefs can create intense feelings of dissatisfaction within a marriage. Pertinent themes like making peace with your past, when victims marry, how men and women compare and critical concerns of married women are candidly
Making Peace in Your Marriage: ($15.00)
Distorted thinking and faulty beliefs can create intense feelings of dissatisfaction within a marriage. Pertinent themes like making peace with your past, when victims marry, how men and women compare and critical concerns of married women are candidly discussed as are numerous other topics.
discussed as are numerous other topics.

Golden Keys to Black Family Relationships: ($13.00)
Provides a refreshing, practical view of God’s law and how they promote loving harmonious relationships particularly within the African-American family. This volume focuses on the concepts of family dynamics and precepts, the two great rules for love and the ten
Golden Keys to Black Family Relationships: ($13.00)
Provides a refreshing, practical view of God’s law and how they promote loving harmonious relationships particularly within the African-American family. This volume focuses on the concepts of family dynamics and precepts, the two great rules for love and the ten principles of right living.
principles of right living.

Why Not ME?
By: Gladys Milton
This is the personal story of a courageous & compassionate woman & an account of her life’s effort to provide women with affordable health care. After 33 years of service, the State wanted to revoke her midwife license.
Why Not ME?
By: Gladys Milton
This is the personal story of a courageous & compassionate woman & an account of her life’s effort to provide women with affordable health care. After 33 years of service, the State wanted to revoke her midwife license.
ISBN # 0913990-87-6
Catalog #WN-10……..$10.00
ISBN # 0913990-87-6
Catalog #WN-10……..$10.00
The Original African Heritage Study Bible:
King James Version ($60.00)
This Bible interprets biblical history as it relates specifically to persons of African descent thereby fostering an appreciation of multi-culturalism which is inherent in the Bible. “People of color” are visually depicted throughout its pages.

The Destruction of Black Civilization
By Chancellor Williams
This book should be the basis for all the so-called Black Studies programs. This is the basis text, necessary for African mental development in the last part of the 20th century.
ISBN: 0-913543-20-9
Catalog # DBC-11……………………..$11.00

The Mis-Education of the Negro
By Carter G. Woodson
History shows that it does not matter who is in power… those who have not learned to do for themselves and have to depend solely on others never obtain any more rights or privileges in the end than they had in the beginning.
The Mis-Education of the Negro
By Carter G. Woodson
History shows that it does not matter who is in power… those who have not learned to do for themselves and have to depend solely on others never obtain any more rights or privileges in the end than they had in the beginning.
ISBN: 0-86543-171-X
Catalog # MED-10……………………..$10.00
ISBN: 0-86543-171-X
Catalog # MED-10……………………..$10.00

Black Women in Antiquity
Edited by Dr. Ivan Van Sertima
This unique volume provides an overview of the black queens, madonnas & goddesses who dominated the history & imagination of ancient times. The authors have concentrated on Ethiopia & Egypt because the documents of the Nile Valley are voluminous
Black Women in Antiquity
Edited by Dr. Ivan Van Sertima
This unique volume provides an overview of the black queens, madonnas & goddesses who dominated the history & imagination of ancient times. The authors have concentrated on Ethiopia & Egypt because the documents of the Nile Valley are voluminous compared to the sketchier records in other parts of Africa.
ISBN: 1-87855-982-5
Catalog # WA-20……………………..$20.00
compared to the sketchier records in other parts of Africa.
ISBN: 1-87855-982-5
Catalog # WA-20……………………..$20.00