List of Maps
Chapter 1
Map 1.1: The Land of Ham
Map 1.2: Old Africa (Akebu-lan)
Map 1.3: The Land of Havilah
Map 1.4: Gihon, The 2 nd River
Map 1.5: Nimrod’s Empire, The Northeastern Portion of the Great Ethiopian
Cushite Empire
Map 1.6: The Garden of Eden in Classical Africa
Chapter 2
Map 2.1: Classical Africa (Land of Ham)
Map 2.2: The Land of Ham with Shem
Map 2.3: Egyptian Empire (Land of Ham)
Map 2.4: Phut (Put), Libya
Chapter 3
Map 3.1: Ethiopian Cushite Empire (Land of Ham)
Map 3.2: Hindus Kush (Cush) Mountains
Map 3.3: Ethiopian Cushite Empire with The Land of Sheba
Map 3.4: The Land of Nimrod, The Northeastern Portion of the Great Ethiopian
Cushite Empire
Map 3.5: Excavation Sites within The Land of Nimrod
Chapter 4
Map 4.1: The Land of Canaan
Map 4.2: The Land of Samaria
Chapter 5
Map 5.1: Israel in The Land of Canaan
Map 5.2: The 12 Tribes of Israel Living in The Land of Canaan
Map 5.3: The Israelites Living in the Midst of the Canaanites