In an age that is increasingly speaking of the world as being “a global village,” more and more Americans are admitting that they know very little about the heritage and contributions to World Civilization that non-Whites have made. Europe and America have done such a good job refashioning “history” almost exclusively in their own image that “people of color” have come to believe that somehow God has cursed them. This is particularly evident among youth of direct African descent. For this reason, I am very grateful to William Emanuel for first producing and now revising this easy to use manual for teens, entitled People of Color in the Bible. Although this colorful handbook first appeared a decade ago, it is just as relevant, timely and effective for young readers today as when it first appeared in print.

William Emanuel is an informed layman, consummate Bible student, and earnest teacher who has sacrificed greatly to get the word out that, far from cursing Blacks, the Bible contains considerable evidence that from the beginning Blacks play a prominent role within God’s Word. Through helpful charts and companion videos, People of Color in the Bible sets a marred record of Eurocentric biblical interpretation straight without all of the technicalities and complex terms used to confuse the issue of the inherent multiculturalism of the Bible. People of Color in the Bible is a fine primer for adults too. It gently introduces the adult to familiar biblical characters and places that now properly have an African background. Through my Biblical Institute for Social Change, we have helped greatly in the distribution of this special resource for youth—not just Black youth, but any who wish to grow stronger in the Lord Jesus Christ in the church that includes and celebrates all nations, including those of Africa where it all began!

Dr. Cain Hope Felder
Professor, New Testament Language and Literature
Howard University, School of Divinity
Washington, D.C.