Latarius Brown’s Bio
Hello my name is Latarius Brown and I’m from North Carolina. I’ve been in the Maryland, PA area for about 2 ½ years and I’ve been boxing for about 1 1/2 years. Boxing is the best thing that has ever happen to me. I’m 26 yrs old and I love to keep my body fit. I played football in high school and I still play basketball today and neither sport gives me what I get out of boxing. Boxing puts me in the ultimate shape both physically and mentally. It teaches a person that you can
Latarius Brown’s Bio
Hello my name is Latarius Brown and I’m from North Carolina. I’ve been in the Maryland, PA area for about 2 ½ years and I’ve been boxing for about 1 1/2 years.
Boxing is the best thing that has ever happen to me. I’m 26 yrs old and I love to keep my body fit. I played football in high school and I still play basketball today and neither sport gives me what I get out of boxing. Boxing puts me in the ultimate shape both physically and mentally. It teaches a person that you can
reach your goals but it going take hard work. There are no shortcuts and the only person you can blame for lack of progress is yourself. A lot of young kids today want to blame others for their problems and the boxing gym can help change that. It gives you respect for others as well as self respect. It also gives you confidence and that’s something everybody needs. I thank God for blessing me with the sweet science of boxing and I recommend boxing for anyone trying to better themselves.