Dare to be called a Man of God!!

Name of Presenter: Curtis Holland
Title of Presentation:Dare to be called a Man of God!!


There are many things that the world (society) considers a man to be, partly called macho or prideful (proud of himself), in control of his world. But a man of God is humble, meek, and gentle and walks under the control of the Holy Spirit. God made man with purpose, and in HIS image. What God made man to do HE recognized that he was alone and needed help to do it. So he created the most unique and different creature from all of the earthly creation, not made out of dust as all other things were made that walk on the earth. God made the woman from the man, bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh. To be by his side not in front of him and not behind him but with him at all times, if not physically than spiritually. What happened in the garden is a warning to both men and women to be aware of the call of God for the sexes. When it happened ADAM was there and said nothing but when EVE offered him the apple he took and did eat. She was deceived and he took knowing the consequences, but chose to disobey his Heavenly Father. Satan went after the woman knowing she was the weak link of the two, we as men of God can not make the same mistake that ADAM made. When asked by God what he did he hid himself than said the woman you gave me, passing the blame, and not accepting responsibility for his actions. Of course that was unacceptable to God, because HE had made man to be responsible for protecting his wife. So ADAM failed God in a number of different ways one he did not protect his wife and two he chose to disobey God. He also did not accept responsibility for his actions afterwards. How are we doing in our God given responsibilities in Marriage Covenant? Do we understand the spiritual wickedness that has been loosed on our homes as an assault upon God’s “Covenant of Marriage”? Are we aware that our wives are the weaker vehicles and the enemy goes after them much quicker than he deals with us? But we have to learn that he can do nothing unless we allow him to as ADAM did in the garden. Are we fortifying our homes against the attacks of the enemy or are we allowing the enemy to have free entrance into open doors and windows that we have opened from our ignorance or inability to recognize our own sins. Let us recognize the call of God to Men of GOD as provider and protector. He has given us power over the enemy; let us learn to walk in power and not as victims, and powerless men. Our Heavenly Father has given us a wife, are we providing and protecting or just existing, blaming and pointing the finger. Don’t get caught in the blame game because God is going to hold us responsible for our “Covenant of Marriage”. We have to understand the wiles of the enemy and what he is doing in our homes with our permission. Let us take back our homes and remember who we are in Christ. God has a plan but we have to be in position to hear the call of the “Mighty Men of God”. Romans 8:18 – 19; speaks of the unveiling of the ‘sons of god’, my paraphrase is the “Mighty Men of God”. Read II Samuel 23:8 – 23; Know that the Old Testament is the New Testament concealed (hidden, only physical) and the New Testament is the Old Testament revealed (opened up spiritually). We are the spiritual of the physical!!!