In The Beginning
(Based on Genesis chapter 1)
Complete with Supplemental Questions
ISBN-10: 0-964036-1-4
ISBN-13: 978-0-9640366-1-1
By William Gilbert Emanuel, D.D., D. Eng. and Renee Spears Emanuel
The Faithof Jesus Center/People of Color Training & Research Center
250 Westwood Drive
York, PA 17404
(717) 435-4715
People Of Color In The Bible Old Testament Collection, Volume 1,
In The Beginning; Published by The Faith Of Jesus Center. All graphics
by Gilbert Saiz. Copyright 1995 by William and Renee Emanuel. All
rights reserved.
The Purpose Of This Collection
(1) To encourage children in the primary and intermediate
grades, irregardless of nationality, to develop a love for the Bible.
(2) To present basic and profound biblical truths
in simple, easy-to-read language.
(3) To introduce children to the biblical language,
"Hebrew", and to make them feel at ease with its use.
(4) To show that the Bible is not only a book of
religious instruction, but that it also contains accurate, up-to-date
information regarding many branches of science including but not
limited to health, astronomy, biology, zoology and geography.
(5) To give the true historical representation of
biblical personalities; thus elimination racial hatred and promoting
positive self-esteem.
This is a coloring book
and this is what the picture should look like after the
child colors in the picture.
In the beginning, the earth was filled with water.
Water is made up of two things: hydrogen and oxygen. Sometimes,
the word "water" is written: "H2O". H2O is the symbol for water.
Water is very important. It helps to keep man alive.
You can go without food for many days (some say 40 - 60 days) but
you cannot go without water or fluids for very long. According to
medical missionary, Al Wolfsen, 16 days without water is the limit.
Your body is made up of 70% fluids. H2O is the main
substance in most of these fluids. H2O is needed to make blood.
If it's pure, water washes the inside of your body when you drink
it. We use water to wash the outside of the body too. Try to drink
at least eight (8) glasses of pure water each day.
Yah-shua (Jesus) answered and said unto her, "Whosoever
drinks of this water shall thirst again: But whosoever drinks of
the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; because the
water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing
up into everlasting life." (John 4:13,14)
In this verse, Yah-shua (Jesus) speaks of "living
water". Water is used as a symbol for the Holy Spirit. Water is
thought by some to be the "gift of life".
This is a coloring book
and this is what the picture should look like after the
child colors in the picture.
"He (El-o-him) made the stars also ... and El-o-him
(God) saw that it was good. The evening and the morning were the
fourth day." (Genesis 1:16, 18, 19)
Have you ever looked up at the sky on a clear night?
If you have, what did you see? Stars, stars, everywhere! Scripture
says, "He (El-o-him) tells the number of the stars; He calls
them all by their names." (Psalm 147:4). Did you know
that the stars have names? Stars form big pictures in the sky. We
call these pictures CON-STEL-LA-TIONS. On the next clear night,
look up in the sky. See if you can find the "Big Dipper", "The Little
Dipper" and the "North Star".
Stars are important. A bright star led the wise
men from the East to the place where the Messiah could be found.
They declared, "Where is He that is born King of the Jews? For
we have seen His `star' in the east, and are come to worship Him."
(Matthew 2:2).
Harriet Tubman, ex-slave and conductor of the "Underground
Railroad" followed the North Star as she led many slaves to freedom.
Knowing how to spot the North Star helped her to travel at night
-- in the RIGHT direction!
Yah-shua (Jesus) said of himself, "I am the bright
and morning STAR." (Revelation 22:16). He also said,
"The Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost."
(Luke 19:10). Let Yah-shua (Jesus) lead you in the right
direction. The right direction leads AWAY from sin and TOWARD El-o-him
(God). "I am the way, the truth, and the life; no man comes to
the Father but by Me." (John 14:6)